Leave a legacy

Thank you for helping us grow into a celebrated source of information, music, entertainment, education and the arts for our community.

Contributions you make today help provide the funds necessary to serve our community each day, but by planning a gift in your overall estate or financial plans, you can help ensure that we’ll be here for years to come. You don’t have to be a certain age or very wealthy to make a big difference—you just need a plan, and you’ve come to the right place to start yours.

Your support of the Catalina Island Performing Arts Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit with the mission to promote the performing arts for the Catalina Island community; the residents, businesses, visitors and lovers of island – CIPAF operates and supports KISL as a valuable resource to embolden that mission.

There are many ways to set up legacy giving, please reach out and will are happy to discuss what works best for you.

Hear ya’ later!

Give From Your IRA: A Tax-Saving Way to Help KISL

70.5 Years Young and Wiser

59.5 Years Young and Wiser

Best phone number to reach you
If you aren’t sure what Legacy Giving means, how to do it, or what option is best for you, we are here to help review your options. Thanks for the consideration.