Natasha Perez plays for us in the studio, and leaves behind a nice set of headphones for our studio! Thanks Natasha!
brett hunter & tara j king
erick macek
kai brown
Shawn Hlookoff and Koffeehouse Live
Dick Dale Interview 6/28/11 (plus some rambling after, we apologize for that after the quality of Dick Dale)…and for those true listeners, the rest of, well…post dick dale ramblings cont.
First discussion on a new opportunity for the residents of Avalon to manage transportation on the island. Change the meaning of the 16 year waiting list to not that big a deal…
Relay Rides discussion intro
Here is our followup discussion with RelayRides founder Shelby Clark Tuesday July 26th at 6:00 p.m.
Friendly visits to Catalina and KISL
Challenger British Soccer Camp coaches talk in our studio about their week visit to this island to share soccer tips from another island (the UK).
Listen to Rita Pardue (that familiar voice from KPCC) talking about her first trip to Catalina. (Of course her vacation from radio consisted of visiting a radio station…) Tune in to KISL to her Rita give our station identification and other quality promos for KISL. If you can’t wait, here is an uneditied example of creating the promo.
Wendy Fonarow-the indie professor-talks to us about indie music and the culture that defines the sound (not the other way round). (Rhyming may or may not help).
Local Politics and Happenings.
2012 City Council election candidates discussing our community and their role in it:
Olie Olson
Ralph Morrow
Richard Hernandez
Scott Nelson
Sue Rickalo
Tim Winslow
2 Ply Swing interview for the 2011 Catalina Swing Dance Festival
Swing Dance Teachers Interview
Georege Gee of the George Gee Swing Orchestra studio interview
Stand Up Paddleboarding is everywhere but the Catalina SUP Festival is only here in Avalon. Listen to the interview with kisl’s own pete and the event cofounder John Meffert
Pat Gallant-Charette swims the Catalina Channel and discusses the power of swimming and her
“Swim for Your Heart..” event.
Local resident and business entrepreneur Doug Bombard interviews about his Catalina history.
From the Community Heritage Hour: Catalina’s Stories and Dreams from the Catalina Island Museum archives.
Pattie Boyd interview with Marko.
Discussion on her book and special exhibition at the Catalina Island Museum
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