Where we introduce you to the voices behind KISL’s live radio programming.
This week: KISSEL Radio Hour gets one more listener.
Every Friday night from 9:00 p.m. to midnight KISL becomes KISSEL, and Alex Sanchez becomes Freakdog-the late night persona, who discusses everything from fine cuisine to pasta in a bag, global politics to shoe tying instructions, set to the soundtrack that covers just as much of a range.
After a year of producing his own show we caught up with Alex to find out what it is like to be a dj here on Catalina Island.
KISL: What got you started in radio, how did you get your own show?
Alex: My start here was a music reviewer. We (KISL) acquired a library of cds and my job was to listen to them and see what was appropriate for the station. KISL started looking for some live on air shows and I wanted to hear music that I didn’t hear anywhere else, and so I pitched that idea and they said ok, and off I went!
KISL: What is the hardest part about creating a show?
Alex: The hardest part is to keep it fresh, yet familiar. Like, if you are hearing the show for the first time, you feel like you’ve been here, like your musical home…but not getting stale, that’s the challenge.
KISL: Can you share the origins of ‘Freakdog’?
Alex: Lets see, how can I explain and keep it simple…Freakdog was actually was a fake id badge a family member had made. It was a picture of a bear and the name was Freakdog, so Freakdog became, when someone was acting a dork, or nerd, or weird, but then it became a term of endearment. It is still both, if I say something stupid or dance a crazy jig you can say “oh, what a Freakdog” but it also is a term of endearment.
KISL: How does living on Catalina influence your show?
Alex: Topic wise…I think in one way it influences the show I don’t always focus on the things going on in town, but I focus on a broader scale, because even though we have access to the internet we are kinda limited, can’t just go and see a band, so I try to broaden the musical horizons.
KISL: Would you like to explain the title of this interview?
Alex: Yeah, I sure would, I recently became a grandfather, and so my grandson Paul Alexander is the newest listener. I can’t even begin to describe the joy of being a grandparent…there aren’t any words.
KISL: That must make it tough to be on the radio.
KISL/Alex: buahahahahahahaha
KISL: What is one of the most memorable moments you’ve had on the radio?
Alex: I would have to say it was when my daughter Jessica came in to sing happy birthday to me. (And she did sing happy birthday dear Freakdog).
KISL: Would you recommend doing a radio show to anyone else?
Alex: Oh yeah, totally I would. If you like to talk, use your words, or just speak with your music. Everybody has a voice, and that’s all you need.
You can catch ‘Freakdog’ every Friday night from 9:00 pm to midnight on 88.7 fm on the radio dial and www.kislavlaon.com on the internet dial. You can catch Alex every Sunday morning at 9:00 am with his brother Johnny for Beatles on the Rock.
On the next Meet the voice; Ladies Night with Catalina Pinky. To get involved with KISL or to learn more about getting your own show on the air call 424-226-2837 (HAHA-BOATER) or contact Jordan Monroe the Community Outreach Director- jordanmonroe@kislavalon.com.
Editors note* Alex demonstrated the meaning of Freakdog when he was unable to conduct this interview in a timely manner, as he was attempting to call with his iPod.
yes, the pictuers are a little off, so is the Freakdog.
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/54653157]
Pasta in a bag once. 7.15.11
Pasta in a bag twice. 7.15.11
Pasta in a bag thrice. 7.15.11
Tribute Show 5.27.11 i
Tribute Show 5.27.11 ii
Tribute Show 5.27.11 iii
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