Tyrone Wells sings with his guitar on Catalina.
Jamestown Revival rocks the house, well, it was outdoors, but still…
Jackie Tohn gives more than music when she performs
Brett Hunter & Tara J KIng come together and we all get to enjoy it.
ofVerona plays, plus a special encore
Genuine Brandish the combination of John Clinebell and Ariana Hall breathing melodic life into the heavy words in Tongue of War, poems from Dr. Tony Barnstone inspired from real events and stories from WWII.
OfVerona yes, a second performance from Catalina
Jamestown Revival gives an encore performance on the island.
Listen to the kisl sessions for in studio interviews and live performances with some of the Koffeehouse artists.
Original Song Sung at the 2011 Spring Concert
St. Paddies Day Pancake Cottage 2011 part 1 part 2 live music performed at CKV’s St. Patric’s day celebration fundraiser.
Roy Zimmerman. Live at the Nature Center